Sunday, August 22, 2010

back to school

SO excited for my first day of classes tomorrow! i feel almost like i'm going into kindergarten, though, instead of a graduate program, such is my level of excitement. i even have my lunch box all ready, although i won't really be needing it until tuesday, when i have a morning class. but still, it is primed for lunch-packing.

i'm most excited about my green dinosaur-themed sandwich and soup containers (wonderfully named a "feed bowl" on the packaging, as if the contents inside are actually to be consumed in a more animalistic style than one usually meets with in civilized society). i expect i'll get quite the bit of attention from carting those around carnegie mellon!

oh, yes. i am so ready.


Keith said...

You must have a great school! I could not wait to leave my school.
Left at age 14 years and went straight into full time work. Should have stayed a kid a while longer.
Making up for it now though;)

Agatha Wells said...

Carnegie Mellon University is a great school, but i've always loved school. it is kind of like being a "kid" again, except graduate work is so far giving me the impression of being about ten times as tough--as it should be!

happy woodsman-ing in australia! you must get some nice warm weather quite late into the season; it's already starting to turn cool at night in pittsburgh.

it's not just for the classroom!